(346) 815-9995

How can I find urgent dental care near me?

Dental emergencies can strike anytime without prior warning. You might trip and fall, knocking your tooth out, or get into a car accident or sustain a sports injury. These situations can damage and fracture your teeth, necessitating urgent dental care. You may also experience dental emergencies because of insufficient oral care, i.e., if you don’t seek regular treatments for cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems. All dental problems are inherently chronic, i.e., they worsen with time, so you must seek regular dental care. When dental emergencies come knocking, you need to have access to urgent dental care near your location. Below, we offer tips to help you find the nearest dentist specializing in emergency dentistry services.

Google “dentist office open near me” for a list of dental clinics near your location

When looking for dental clinics near your location, you must Google “dentist office open near me.” You will receive a list of some of the leading dental clinics near your location, arranged according to their ratings or proximity to your location. Dental emergencies generally necessitate immediate action within an hour or so — the longer you delay dental emergency treatments, the worse the situation becomes. That’s why you should focus on the nearest dentists near your home or place of work.

Look for emergency dental clinics that accept last-minute appointments

After you narrow down your search for urgent dental care centers, you must determine if they’re suitable for emergencies. Dental emergencies can strike anytime, on weekends or night hours. That means the emergency dental clinic should accept last-minute walk-in appointments. You can’t be expected to plan for dental emergencies, so they should allow you to walk in without prior warning. You can also ask your dentist or dental clinic if they accept “walk-in appointments” for dental emergencies.

Look for a dentist open on weekends

Most dental clinics are open on weekdays, but only a handful of dental clinics remain open on weekends. But dental emergencies don’t care if it’s the weekend — you or someone you love can experience an emergency even on a Saturday. That’s why you should look for a dental clinic open on weekends, or at least Saturdays. As such, when an emergency occurs, you won’t have to wait for an appointment or a weekday.

Look for a dentist specializing in emergency dentistry services

Emergency dentistry is different from general dentistry and involves a deeper understanding of a different set of procedures. Urgent dental care usually involves the treatment of dental infections, periodontitis, knocked-out teeth, dental fractures, and other situations that worsen by the minutes and hours. You must ask your dentist if they specialize in emergency dentistry. Your emergency dentist should also provide a clear overview of the steps to take during dental emergencies.

Look for a dentist with stellar credentials and education

You must look for a dentist with stellar credentials and an excellent educational background. The dentist should have graduated from reputable dental schools, and they should have completed residency and fellowship programs in various subspecialties, such as endodontics or oral surgery. Dentists with stellar credentials are more likely to be able to address complex problems and emergencies, such as full-mouth dental restorations.

Look for a 5-star dentist near here

When looking for emergency dentists in your location, you can’t trust anyone more than your peers. That’s why you should study your chosen dentist’s online reviews and testimonials. Google, Facebook, Real Self, and other such platforms allow patients to leave reviews for their dentists. This gives you access to unfiltered and authentic reviews. You must look for 5-star ratings and reviews because they indicate flawless standards of dental care.

I have a dental emergency. What should I do?

If you have a dental emergency, you must contact your emergency dentist without delay. Please describe the entire situation to your emergency dentist. It’s possible that you don’t truly have an emergency, in which case the dentist will describe what you should do to control the situation and help you schedule an appointment during regular dentist hours. If you have a true dental emergency, the dentist will describe the first-aid protocol and ask you to have someone drive you to the dental clinic.

How does emergency dentistry work?

Emergency dentistry generally involves handling immediate problems, followed by curating a long-term treatment plan to restore optimal oral health. If you’re bleeding, the dentist will stop the bleeding and provide antibiotics to prevent infections, following which they’ll treat the root cause of bleeding and determine if you may have gum disease. Dental emergencies usually involve fixing damaged teeth, stopping bleeding, treating infections, etc.

Where do I get emergency dental care services?

URBN Dental is one of the most reliable emergency dental care centers in Houston. That’s not an empty boast; it’s backed by unanimous 5-star ratings and reviews from all our patients. One of our recent patients wrote, “They do a very thorough job here! Andrea, in particular, was extremely wonderful and knowledgeable. She took the time to go over my x-rays and explain some of the issues I’m having, along with how to appropriately address them. Highly recommended!”

You can find our Midtown dental clinic at 3510 Main St. Ste E, Houston, TX 77002. The dental clinic is in one of Houston’s most thriving cultural and artistic neighborhoods, between Downtown Houston and the Texas Medical Center, right beside the Ensemble Theater or HCC Metro Rail stop. Our Midtown dental clinic is ideal for patients living in or around Downtown Houston — you may schedule an appointment online or call us at 346-815-9995.





